Pella Police Administrative Services Manager Marcia Slycord discusses the outdoor warning system and how to report damage and injuries to law enforcement following severe weather events.

Let’s Talk Pella – New Marion County Bank President
Let's Talk PellaMarion County Bank President Kevin Bolt discusses his 30 years with the organization and his new role. Play in new window | Download...

Let’s Talk Pella – Iowa House Latest, Part One
Let's Talk PellaState Representative Barb Kniff McCulla discusses her decision to run for a second term and several bipartisan bills passing in the Iowa House. This is part one of a two part discussion. Play in...

Let’s Talk Pella – Pella Christian Head of Schools Dan Zylstra
Let's Talk PellaPella Christian Head of Schools Dan Zylstra discusses the recent approval of the integration of the school boards at the grade school and high school. Play in new window | Download...