Families First of Pella will hold a fall parenting class and registration is now on going. “The Good Inside” Workshops will focus on screen time battles, sibling dynamics and more. They take place at the Pella Public Library meeting room from noon-1:00pm on the 2nd Tuesday of the month from September-May. Lunch will be provided at no cost, free childcare will be provided at Second Reformed Church. Registration is required at familiesfirstofpella.org.
Find out more »Families First of Pella will hold a fall parenting class and registration is now on going. “The Good Inside” Workshops will focus on screen time battles, sibling dynamics and more. They take place at the Pella Public Library meeting room from noon-1:00pm on the 2nd Tuesday of the month from September-May. Lunch will be provided at no cost, free childcare will be provided at Second Reformed Church. Registration is required at familiesfirstofpella.org.
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